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Dr. Kaylan Kwan

Senior Veterinary Surgeon

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About Doctor

Dr. Kaylen Kwan was graduated from Murdoch University, Western Australia in 2013. She has been working in Hong Kong since graduation. 

Dr Kaylen has special interests in internal medicine and soft tissue surgeries. She believes communication is the key to success in veterinary industry. 

She is fluent in speaking English, Cantonese and Mandarin.  

Special Interest

Patient Testimonial


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她不時咬腳仔,腰骨乏力,試過很多方法都沒有改善。自從Dr Kaylen跟進後,情況大大改善。在一次普通身體檢查時,關醫生發現了一個表面非常細的腫瘤,經她安排檢查同埋手術後。豆豆現在恢復了以往的百厭同活力! 非常感激專業又有愛心的團隊,環境乾淨舒適,令狗狗少了在診所的緊張感。


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